Army1987 wrote:
> "jamadagni" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> ha scritto nel messaggio 
>>> Languages like Perl and VB need a strict mode because they will
>>> auto-vivify variable for you.  I.e. they will bring variables to life
>>> with defined or undefined values if you use them in a l-value (left hand
>>> side of an assignment) without having declared them prior.  If you do
>>> that in Python you get an exception.
>> I don't comprehend. I can just type a = 5 in a new Python session and
>> I get no exception. Python currently does not require variables to be
>> declared before they are used on the LHS.
> I think (s)he meant right hand. 

Yes I did sorry about that.  If an assignment had hands then I would 
have been right ;).

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