Jia Lu wrote:
>> for m in test:
>>     for n in test:
>>         for o in test:
>>             for p in test:
>>                 print m+n+o+p
> Thanx for your anwser.
> But if I consider about a combination of over 26 letter's list just
> like:
> "abcdefssdzxcvzxcvzcv"
> "asllxcvxcbbedfgdfgdg"
> .....
> Need I write 26 for loops to do this?
> Thanx
> Jia LU
Your new example uses 20-byte strings anyway, so to produce those using 
the specified method you would need 20 nested for loops, not 26.

I'm pretty sure you could give a separate name to each atom ont he known 
universe with a scheme like this.  Do you really need 20-byte strings?

Steve Holden       +44 150 684 7255  +1 800 494 3119
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