On Apr 13, 2007, at 4:47 AM, 7stud wrote:

> On Apr 13, 3:36 am, "7stud" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>>> It is if the file is smaller than the buffer size.
>> How is that relevant?
> If I put 100 lines of text in a file with each line having 50
> characters, and I run this code:
> import sys
> lst = []
> for line in open("aaa.txt"):
>     print "an iteration"
>     lst.append(line)
>     break
> print lst
> The output is:
> $ python test1.py
> an iteration
> ['helleo haljdfladj ahdflasdjf ds hdljfalsdjfdsljfds \n']
> It seems clear to me that the whole file wasn't first read into a
> buffer before the code started processing the data.

The break statement causes it to bail after the first iteration, so  
that doesn't really prove your point.  For example:

lst = []
for line in ['we', 'all live', 'in a yellow', 'submarine']:
   print "an iteration"

print lst

The output is:

an iteration


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