I might have been a bit unclear on what i was looking for, im not
looking for a finished bitorrent client, but rather module that can
parse a .torrent file, or info on how i would goabout to write
something that can do that.

On 4/11/07, Shane Geiger <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Jonathan Smith wrote:
> > Linus Nordström wrote:
> >
> >> Hello
> >> Im planing playing a bit whit bittorrent, but I'm having some trouble
> >> about where to start. So if anyone could point me in the right
> >> direction it would be much appreciated.
> >> The best would be if there are some already written modules that
> >> handle downloading and seeding torrents, but if that cant be found a
> >> good source on how one dose to build some sort of bitorrent client
> >> would be nice.
> >>

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