On Apr 12, 2007, at 3:20 AM, 7stud wrote:

> I can't break out of the for loop in this example:
> ------
> import sys
> lst = []
> for line in sys.stdin:
>     lst.append(line)
>     break
> print lst
> -----------
> But, I can break out of the for loop when I do this:
> ---------
> import sys
> lst = []
> for line in open("aaa.txt"):
>     lst.append(line)
>     break
> print lst
> ----------
> Why doesn't break work in the first example?

My guess is because you've not entered an EOF.  Try entering ^D (or  
if you're on Windows I think it's ^Z) while using your first example  
and see what it does.


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