On Apr 5, 8:01 pm, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
> What I am trying to do is compare two files to each other.
> If the 2nd file contains the same line the first file contains, I want
> to print it. I wrote up the following code:
> correct_settings = open("C:\Python25\Scripts\Output
> \correct_settings.txt","r")
> current_settings = open("C:\Python25\Scripts\Output\output.txt","r")
> for line in correct_settings:
>         for val in current_settings:
>             if val == line:
>                 print line + " found."
> correct_settings.close()
> current_settings.close()
> For some reason this only looks at the first line of the
> correct_settings.txt file. Any ideas as to how i can loop through each
> line of the correct_settings file instead of just looking at the first?

I'm not entirely sure I understand what you're trying to do, but in
case you're trying to walk through the two files in lockstep printing
the lines that correspond, here's a way to do that:

# note the r'..' syntax
correct = open(r'c:\python25\scripts\output\correct_settings.txt')
current = open(r'c:\python25\scripts\output\output.txt')

for correct_line, current_line in zip(correct, current):
    if correct_line == current_line:
        print correct_line, 'found.'


-- bjorn


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