On Apr 1, 7:51 am, "Pierre Quentel" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > Four groups of firefighters (group1, group2, group3, group4). Each
> > group works a 24 hr shift. So group1 works April 1, group2 works April
> > 2, group3 works April 3, group4 works April 4, group 1 works April 5,
> > etc. It just keeps rolling like this forever into next year, etc.
> > I need to come up with a methodology for the following:
> > If given a date, find out what group is working on that date.
> Hello,
> You can use method datetime.date.toordinal() :
> from datetime import date
> start = date(2007,4,1) # Arpil 1, 2007
> def group(_date):
>     return (date.toordinal(_date)-date.toordinal(start)) % 4

... whose possible outcomes are (0, 1, 2, 3) whereas the groups are
numbered 1 to 4. However I'm sure the OP can make the necessary
adjustment :-)

> print group(date(2007,4,15))
> Regards,
> Pierre


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