Rehceb Rotkiv <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> Wait, I made a mistake. The correct result would be
> reaction is BUT by the
> pattern , BUT it is
> rapid , BUT it is
> sea , BUT it is
> sodium , BUT it is
> this manner BUT the dissolved
> because "by the" comes before and "the dissolved" after "it is". Sorry 
> for the confusion.

>>> data = [
        "reaction is BUT by the",
        "sodium , BUT it is",
        "sea , BUT it is",
        "this manner BUT the dissolved",
        "pattern , BUT it is",
        "rapid , BUT it is",
>>> data = [ s.split() for s in data]
>>> from pprint import pprint
>>> pprint(data)
[['reaction', 'is', 'BUT', 'by', 'the'],
 ['sodium', ',', 'BUT', 'it', 'is'],
 ['sea', ',', 'BUT', 'it', 'is'],
 ['this', 'manner', 'BUT', 'the', 'dissolved'],
 ['pattern', ',', 'BUT', 'it', 'is'],
 ['rapid', ',', 'BUT', 'it', 'is']]
>>> from operator import itemgetter
>>> data.sort(key=itemgetter(0))
>>> data.sort(key=itemgetter(1))
>>> data.sort(key=itemgetter(4))
>>> data.sort(key=itemgetter(3))
>>> pprint(data)
[['reaction', 'is', 'BUT', 'by', 'the'],
 ['pattern', ',', 'BUT', 'it', 'is'],
 ['rapid', ',', 'BUT', 'it', 'is'],
 ['sea', ',', 'BUT', 'it', 'is'],
 ['sodium', ',', 'BUT', 'it', 'is'],
 ['this', 'manner', 'BUT', 'the', 'dissolved']]

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