In article <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>,
>>While I have a great deal of interest in memory management,
>>my general reaction to your question as you've posed it is,
>>"Don't; concentrate for now on good Python style."
>I agree but for monitoring...
>I've had good luck with executing a popen to grab and parse output
>from ps -Af and pass it your own process ID as the search. It adds
>overhead to the cpu exec time but it is much less than 1sec so you
>won't see it.

Fair enough.  

Did you intend to suggest "ps -F"?  While ps remains not-so-well
standardized, I know of no version where "ps -Af" details *memory*

Parsing can be simplified with such invocations as
    ps -o pid -o rss -o size -o cmd
(which can itself be rewritten in various ways, depending on the
flavor of ps involved).

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