I am using Darwin 10.4.9, tcl 8.4.7, tk 8.4, and python 2.3.5. I have also tried Python 2.5 on Darwin, Debian, and Fedora Core 6.
I am working on a GUI front-end to a Python program of mine. It is a simple grid with labels in the left column and input widgets in the right column. One of the rows has a listbox in the right column. The listbox contains two items. I select one using widget.select_set(). The GUI is not complete yet, because I am still learning about Python and Tkinter. On Linux, the GUI works as expected. On OSX, when select_set() runs, the listbox disappears from its place in the grid, and appears in the upper left corner of the window. Here are screen shots to illustrate. http://terrorpin.net/~ben/docs/alt/music/soundfont/pysf-wip/pysfi-debian.jpg http://terrorpin.net/~ben/docs/alt/music/soundfont/pysf-wip/pysfi-osx.png The GUI code itself is at the following location. http://terrorpin.net/~ben/docs/alt/music/soundfont/pysf-wip/pysfi.py To run, it needs the Python program at the following location. http://terrorpin.net/~ben/docs/alt/music/soundfont/pysf-wip/pysf.py Why does the listbox change position at all? Am I using listbox incorrectly? Thank you, Ben -- http://mail.python.org/mailman/listinfo/python-list