Dan Turk
Colorado State University
26 Rockwell Hall
Fort Collins, CO 80523-1277

March 22, 2007

My name is Dan Turk, and I am a faculty member in the Department of
Computer Information Systems at Colorado State University.  My
colleague, Leo Vijayasarathy, and I are conducting a study to better
understand the use of agile software development processes, methods,
and techniques, and the benefits and limitations associated with their
use.  About 2 years ago we performed a similar survey.  However, while
that survey was targeted solely at people who had already been
frequent users of agile processes, the current survey looks to draw
data from a larger segment of developers and has been updated for that

Please consider participating in this study by completing a brief
survey posted at http://www.business.colostate.edu/leov/research/agile/start.cfm

A summary of the results will be posted to this group at the
conclusion of this study.

Your responses will be entirely anonymous and confidential.  The
survey does not collect any identifying information and cannot be
tracked to the person completing it.   General information about your
title and years of experience are requested only to build a profile of
the survey respondents.

Your participation in this study is voluntary.  There are no known
risks associated with taking part in it.  You may stop participating
at any time without penalty or loss of benefits to which you are
otherwise entitled.  If you have questions regarding your rights as a
volunteer in this research, please contact Janell Meldrem, Senior
Human Research Administrator, (970) 491-1563,

Thank you in advance for completing the survey and your contribution
to this research.   If you have any questions about the study or the
survey, please call me at 970-491-0467 or email me at


Dan Turk, Ph.D.
Associate Professor of Computer Information Systems


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