On Mar 21, 4:04 pm, Ross Ridge <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> Gabriel Genellina <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> >You can get the file descriptor from the Python file object using its
> >fileno() method. The file descriptor lives at the OS level, so it's safe
> >to pass around.
> Not under Windows.  Windows doesn't have Unix-like descriptors, so the
> C runtime emulates them.

I am trying the following... any thoughts?

%typemap(in) FILE * {
    if (!PyFile_Check($input)) {
        PyErr_SetString(PyExc_TypeError, "Need a file!");
        return NULL;
%#ifdef __MINGW32__
        PyFileObject *fo = (PyFileObject *)$input;
        $1 = fdopen(_fileno(fo->f_fp),PyString_AsString(fo->f_mode));
    $1 = PyFile_AsFile($input);


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