En Tue, 20 Mar 2007 07:40:53 -0300, abcd <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> escribió:

>> Blerch! Why not just call the modules by the right names in the first
>> place? Then each will have its own sys.modules entry for a start ...
> what do i need to do?  also, is there a way I can load each one as I
> have but each one have its own unique entry in sys.modules?  For
> example i could load Person from Person (in alpha) as, "Person_Alpha"
> or something like that in sys.modules?  not sure how I might do that.

Use the "as" clause when importing; it's almost the same phrase you wrote  
 from alpha.Person import Person as Person_Alpha
or something like that.
alpha should be a package, as someone already said.

Gabriel Genellina


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