On Sat, 12 Feb 2005 19:44:25 -0600, Jeff Epler <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> The reason that F10 does nothing is because there is already a binding
> on all for <F10>. [...]
> If you want to get rid of this binding, you would do it with something
> like
>     w.bind_all("<F10>", "")
> for some widget w.

That was it. thanks.

For the record: 
The virtual bidings with <<keys>> doesn't work. You have to manually
specify the <key>. Seems like a bugged behaviour to me. Or at least,
just very odd and intuitive.

> I don't know why you see the "L1" and "L2" keysyms.  I don't on my
> system (Fedora Core 2)

i'm on windowsXP (what makes the F10 biding by "default" even more
weird). Well, for now using the keysym_num will be more safe since i'm
still getting they correct.

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