My attempt uses a different approach: create two sorted arrays, n^2 elements each; and then iterate over them looking for matching elements (only one pass is required). I managed to get 58,2250612857 s on my 1,7 MHz machine. It requires numpy for decent performance, though.
import numpy import time def parse_input(): al, bl, cl, dl = [], [], [], [] for i in xrange(int(raw_input())): a, b, c, d = map(int, raw_input().split()) al.append(a) bl.append(b) cl.append(c) dl.append(d) return al, bl, cl, dl def count_zero_sums(al, bl, cl, dl): n = len(al) # Assume others are equal # Construct al extended (every element is repeated n times) ale = numpy.array(al).repeat(n) del al # Construct bl extended (whole array is repeated n times) ble = numpy.zeros((n*n,), int) for i in xrange(n): ble[i*n:(i+1)*n] = bl del bl # Construct abl - sorted list of all sums of a, b for a, b in al, bl abl = numpy.sort(ale + ble) del ale, ble # Construct cl extended (every element is repeated n times) cle = numpy.array(cl).repeat(n) del cl # Construct dl extended (whole array is repeated n times) dle = numpy.zeros((n*n,), int) for i in xrange(n): dle[i*n:(i+1)*n] = dl del dl # Construct cdl - sorted list of all negated sums of a, b for a, b in cl, dl cdl = numpy.sort(-(cle + dle)) del cle, dle # Iterate over arrays, count matching elements result = 0 i, j = 0, 0 n = n*n try: while True: while abl[i] < cdl[j]: i += 1 while abl[i] > cdl[j]: j += 1 if abl[i] == cdl[j]: # Found matching sequences ii = i + 1 while ii < n and abl[ii] == abl[i]: ii += 1 jj = j + 1 while jj < n and cdl[jj] == cdl[j]: jj += 1 result += (ii - i)*(jj - j) i, j = ii, jj except IndexError: pass return result t = time.clock() print count_zero_sums(*parse_input()) print time.clock() - t --