On Mar 16, 12:59 pm, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
> I have an ordered list e.g. x = [0, 100, 200, 1000], and given any
> positive integer y, I want to determine its appropriate position in
> the list (i.e the point at which I would have to insert it in order to
> keep the list sorted. I can clearly do this with a series of if
> statements:
> if y<x[1]:
>     n = 0
> elif y < x[2]:
>     n = 1
> elif y < x[3]:
>     n = 2
> else:
>     n = 3
> Or with a generator comprehension
> n  = sum ( y>x[i] for i in range(len(x)) ) - 1
> But there  has to be a cleaner way, as the first approach is unwieldy
> and does not adapt to changing list lengths, and the second is not
> obvious to a casual reader of the code.
> My list will typically have 2 to 5 items, so speed is not a huge
> issue. I'd appreciate your guidance.
> Sincerely
> Thomas Philips

List "will typically have 2 to 5 items"?  Keep it simple!


-- Paul


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