On Mar 15, 8:09 am, "dmitrey" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Thank you in advance,
> Dmitrey

First, "static" can mean at least three different things in C++:

static int myvar1;

void foobar() {
   static int myvar2;

class foobar {
   static int myvar3;

I assume you are thinking about the second case above - a static
variable inside a function. You can achieve this by binding an
attribute to the function, use a closure, or declare a class

def foobar1():
   if not 'mystatic' in dir(foobar): foobar.mystatic = 0
   foobar.mystatic += 1
   return foobar.mystatic

def foobar2():
   mystatic = 0
   def closure():
      mystatic += 1
      return mystatic
   return closure

class foobar3:
   mystatic = 0
   def __call__():
      foobar.mystatic += 1
      return foobar.mystatic


for i in xrange(0,10): print foobar1()

myclosure = foobar2()
for i in xrange(0,10): print myclosure()

myfoobar3 = foobar3()
for i in xrange(0,10): print myfoobar3()


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