On 14 Mar, 17:45, Steve Holden <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Although the phrase "without even checking them all out" hardly lends
> credence to the OP's assertion of Amara's superiority, and does tend to
> support a hypothesis involving some ulterior motive (or would if less
> ingenuously done).

It's an opinion being expressed, qualified with evidence to show that
it's weakly substantiated. Hardly a reason to "call FUD" or to suspect
an astroturfing campaign - FUD being one of the most readily used
terms (and consequently one of the most overused or inappropriately
used terms) when people disagree in the technology domain, anyway.

If the inquirer has it wrong, a gentle process of education is
necessary, although it should be noted that the process does involve
listening to their account of what they are trying to achieve rather
than telling them that they are stupid for using a particular tool or



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