On 2007-03-13, David Cramer <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> Everyone seems to have misunderstood what I want.

One might suspect that your request was unclear. ;)

> I'm a Python developer, I don't give a rats ass about what
> people say about C#, Python, or c++, they all have their uses.
> My main reasoning for considering C++ as the backend is some
> things (reading memory for example) are much easier to do in
> C++ than in Python, and we already have a lot written in C++.

Reading memory is actually pretty trivial in Python.

> The argument about robustness, has nothing to do with how
> nicely formatted the language is, or how great the tracebacks
> are, it's strictly about how high the memory cost is and how
> much CPU it's going to take.

No, that's not at all what "robust" means (at least not to
anybody I know).  Robust means that the program is always
well-behaved.  It doesn't crash.  It doesn't leak memory.  It
isn't full of security holes.  It's got nothing to do with
resource usage.

> Python is well known for being high on memory and C++ being
> compiled can be a lot faster for things.

True, but that's nothing to due with robustness.  A fast, small
program that crashes, leaks memory, and gives incorrect results
is not robust.  A large slow program that doesn't crash
regardless of input and produces correct results is robust.

> Anyways, thanks for everyones feedback, we will most likely go
> with a combination of Python and C++.

I think you're nuts to decide that you need C++ before you've
tested a Python implementation, but it's your nickle. :)

Grant Edwards                   grante             Yow!  Make me look like
                                  at               LINDA RONSTADT again!!

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