> On Mar 11, 1:02 pm, Bruno Desthuilliers
> <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>>[EMAIL PROTECTED] a écrit :
>>>I am trying to setup Apache with Trac which uses mod_python. I get the
>>>following error:
>>>assert have_pysqlite > 0
>>>And I have verify this  via command line as well, that seem no
>>What do you get using tracd (the standalone server) ?
> I am using apache with mod_python.

You're trying to, yes. But what *I*'m asking *you* is what you get using 

> I have done a sanity check with command prompt,

using your account's env

> it can find
> 'pysqlite',
> But when I access Trac using Apache (via mod_python),

which uses a somewhat different (and very restricted) env...

> it somehow can't
> find 'pysqlite' and gives me an error.
> So my question is how python command prompt loads library differently
> from mod_python?

I know I'm a little bit dumb, but I had perfectly understood your 
question (which BTW is not posted at the best place - both Trac and 
mod_python have dedicated mailing-lists). Can you imagine that I have 
good reasons to ask you what you get using tracd ?

(re-snip already snipped code)

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