John Nagle <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

> John J. Lee wrote:
> > John Nagle <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
> > [...]
> >
> >>    Python, on the other hand, is uphill all the way.  Constant trouble
> >>with version issues, especially with C components called from Python.
> >>MySQLdb, M2Crypto, SSL - they all have platform/version
> >>incompatibility problems.  I just spent three days making M2Crypto
> >>work on a new Linux server with a different Red Hat version.
> >>Neither Python's packaging tools nor the platform's packaging
> >>tools deal adequately with these issues.
> > [...]
> > You haven't been using mod_python, by any chance?
> > John
>     No, haven't started to deal with that yet.  Still using
> CGI.  Not sure whether to use mod_python or fastcgi for the
> small requests where the Python load time swamps the time
> to do one SQL select and reply.  Comments?

mod_python relies on an unsupported feature of Python, namedly
multiple interpreters --> risk of more pain with C extensions.


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