Hello Helge,

Which "AOPython" module will be covered during the meeting? Is it this one:


If that's not the one then you can stop reading now :)...

But if that's the one you'll be highlighting then I'd be interested to hear 
what people think of it. I wrote that module, but I wasn't aware that anyone 
was using it. I wrote it as an exercise to learn about Python callables 
(functions, methods, etc.). I believe I did use it in a real project once to 
apply declarative exception handling and logging. I would love to know what 
others are using it for.

Daniel Miller

Helge Stahlmann wrote:
> +++++ Hamburg Python User Group April Meeting +++++
> I am pleased to announce our next user group meeting:
>         Wednesday, April 11, 2007 at 7:00pm
> Location: DDD Design GmbH, Jarrestrasse 46, 22303 Hamburg.
> Session highlight: Aspect-oriented programming with AOPython
> RSVP now at http://python.meetup.com/179/calendar/5549826/
> If you're interested in learning more, please visit our website at
> meetup.com: http://python.meetup.com/179/
> Additional links:
> RSS Newsfeed:
> feed://www.meetup.com/rss/g/python/179/new/
> Group Calendar RSS:
> feed://python.meetup.com/179/calendar/rss/The+Hamburg+Python+User+Group/
> iCal:
> webcal://python.meetup.com/179/calendar/ical/The+Hamburg+Python+User 
> +Group/
> +++++ Hamburg Python User Group - Treffen im April +++++
> Ich freue mich, an dieser Stelle unser nächstes Meeting ankündigen zu  
> dürfen:
>         Mittwoch, 11. April 2007 um 19 Uhr
> Veranstaltungsort: DDD Design GmbH, Jarrestrasse 46, 22303 Hamburg.
> Highlight: Aspektorientierte Programmierung mit AOPython
> Anmeldungen werden unter
> http://python.meetup.com/179/calendar/5549826/ entgegengenommen.
> Weitere Informationen finden sich auf unserer Webseite bei meetup.com:
> http://python.meetup.com/179/
> Weitere Links:
> RSS Newsfeed:
> feed://www.meetup.com/rss/g/python/179/new/
> Gruppen Kalender RSS:
> feed://python.meetup.com/179/calendar/rss/The+Hamburg+Python+User+Group/
> iCal:
> webcal://python.meetup.com/179/calendar/ical/The+Hamburg+Python+User 
> +Group/

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