On Mar 6, 12:27 pm, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote: > Excuse me!! > Would you stop for a moment?! > O...man...Haven't you thought-one day- about yourself ? > Who has made it? > Have you seen a design which hasn't a designer ?! > Have you seen a wonderful,delicate work without a worker ?! > It's you and the whole universe!.. > Who has made them all ?!! > You know who ?.. It's "ALLAH",prise be to him. > Just think for a moment. > How are you going to be after death ?! > Can you believe that this exact system of the universe and all of > these great creation will end in in nothing...just after death! > Have you thought, for a second, How to save your soul from Allah's > punishment?! > Haven't you thought about what is the right religion?! > Read ... and think deeply before you answer.. > It is religion of Islam. > It is the religion that Mohammad-peace upon him- the last prophet, had > been sent by. > It is the religion that the right Bible- which is not distorted-has > preached. > Just have a look at The Bible of (Bernaba). > Don't be emstional. > Be rational and judge.. > Just look..listen...compare..and then judge and say your word. > We advise you visiting > :http://www.islam-guide.comhttp://www.thetruereligion.orghttp://www.beconvinced.comhttp://www.plaintruth.orghttp://english.islamway.comhttp://www.todayislam.comhttp://www.prophetmuhammed.orghttp://www.islamtoday.net/english/http://www.islamunveiled.orghttp://www.islamic-knowledge.com
Yah, this has so much to do with python.. python is the language of ease too! I am muslim too by the way, but i dont' think this is a proper way to let ppl know about our religion, buddy! have any other opinion! -- http://mail.python.org/mailman/listinfo/python-list