Martin Unsal a écrit : > On Mar 5, 12:45 am, "[EMAIL PROTECTED]" > <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote: > >>Remember that you can put code in >>the of a package, and that this code can import sub- >>packages/modules namespaces, making the package internal organisation >>transparent to user code > > > Sure, but that doesn't solve the problem. > > Say you have a package "widgets" with classes ScrollBar, Form, etc. > You want the end user to "import widgets" and then invoke > "widgets.ScrollBar()". As far as I know there are only two ways to do > this, both seriously flawed: 1) Put all your code in one module >, 2) use "from scrollbar import *" in widgets/, > which is semi-deprecated
"deprecated" ? Didn't see any mention of this so far. But it's bad form, since it makes hard to know where some symbol comes from. # widgets.__init from scrollbar import Scrollbar, SomeOtherStuff, some_function, SOME_CONST > and breaks reload(). > >>Also remember that you can "import as", ie: >> >>import some_package.some_subpackage.some_module as some_module > > > Sure but that doesn't eliminate the unfortunate interaction between > Python class organization and filesystem heirarchy. *class* organization ? It's not Java here. Nothing forces you to use classes. > For example, say > you want to organize the widgets package as follows: > > widgets/scrollbar/*.py > widgets/form/*.py > widgets/common/ > > Other than messing around with PYTHONPATH, which is horrible, I don't > see how to import from the widget code. Some of us still manage to do so without messing with PYTHONPATH. > >>Bad form IMHO. Packages and module names should be all_lower, >>classnames CamelCased. > > > You're still stuck doing foo.Foo() everywhere in your client code, from foo import Foo But: > which is ugly It's not ugly, it's informative. At least you know where Foo comes from. > and wastes space, My. Three letters and a dot... > or using "from foo import *" which is > broken. cf above. > >>>but I >>>believe this is categorically the wrong thing to do in large projects. >> >>Oh yes ? Why ? > > > For myriad reasons, just one of them being the one I stated -- smaller > files with one functional unit each Oh. So you're proposing that each and any single function goes in a separate file ? > are more amenable to source code > management with multiple developers. This is not my experience. > We could discuss this till we're blue in the face but it's beside the > point. For any given project, architecture, and workflow, the > developers are going to have a preference for how to organize the code > structurally into files, directories, packages, etc. The language > itself should not place constraints on them. The mere fact that it is > supposedly "Pythonic" to put more functionality in one file indicates > to me that the Python package system is obstructing some of its users > who have perfectly good reasons to organize their code differently. It has never been an issue for me so far. > >>>you're going to want files to contain the smallest >>>practical functional blocks. I feel pretty confident saying that "put >>>more stuff in one file" is the wrong answer, even if it is the >>>Pythonic answer. >> >>Is this actually based on working experience ? It seems that there are >>enough not-trivial Python projects around to prove that it works just >>fine. > > > Yes. I've worked extensively on several projects in several languages > with multi-million lines of code I meant, based on working experience *with Python* ? I've still not seen a "multi-million" KLOC project in Python - unless of course you include all the stdlib and the interpreter itself, and even then I doubt we get so far. > and they invariably have coding > styles that recommend one functional unit (such as a class), or at > most a few closely related functional units per file. Which is what I see in most Python packages I've seen so far. But we may not have the same definition for "a few" and "closely related" ? > In Python, most of the large projects I've looked at use "from foo > import *" liberally. I've seen few projects using this. And I wouldn't like having to maintain such a project. > I guess my question boils down to this. Is "from foo import *" really > deprecated or not? This syntax is only supposed to be a handy shortcut for quick testing and exploration in an interactive session. Using it in production code is considered bad form. > If everyone has to use "from foo import *" I never did in 7 years. > despite > the problems it causes, how do they work around those problems (such > as reloading)? Do you often have a need for "reloading" in production code ??? Martin, I'm not saying Python is perfect, but it really feels like you're worrying about things that are not problems. --