I would like to use Epydoc (3.0beta1) to document my wxPython (2.6.10) 
application.  The problem is that I can't seem to instruct Epydoc to not 
also generate partial documentation of wxPython, which makes too much 
verbiage for a user to wade through in order see the documentation of my 

For example, if my module consists of only the three lines

import wx
class BasicPanel(wx.Panel):

the generated documentation for BasicPanel is completely swamped by the 
over 100 instance methods and static methods for wx._core.Window, etc.

I've tried using the "exclude" command in a config file and command line 
and also sprinkling around "@undocumented" commands in the .py file. 
Neither of these make any difference as far as I can see, but they 
aren't documented well in Epydocs so I'm not completely sure that I'm 
using them correctly, although I've tried many, many variations all to 
no avail.  I've also tried turning off introspection and/or parsing, but 
then the Epydoc output isn't as good.

Does anyone know of a way to avoid this?  Short of fixing this in 
Epydoc, how about a different documentation package -- I chose Epydoc 
because it included clickable inheritance trees in the docs.  Is there 
another package that does this?

I installed Epydoc using epydoc-3.0beta1.win32.exe on Windows XP and am 
using Python 2.4.3.

Thanks for any help,

P.S. -  I haven't found any other group or mailing list that might be a 
more focused forum for this question.  Please let me know if you know of 

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