On 5 Mar 2007 02:22:24 -0800, [EMAIL PROTECTED] <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Hi,
> I have the following -
> messagesReceived = dict.fromkeys(("one","two"), {})

This will create a dictionary "messagesReceived", with all the keys
referring to *same instance* of the (empty) dictionary.
(   try: messagesReceived = dict( [(k,{}) for k in ('one', 'two') ] )   )
> messagesReceived['one']['123'] = 11111
> messagesReceived['two']['121'] = 22222
> messagesReceived['two']['124'] = 43333
> This gives:
> {'two': {'121': 22222, '123': 11111, '124': 43333}, 'one': {'121':
> 22222, '123': 11111, '124': 43333}}

And hence the results !


Amit Khemka -- onyomo.com
Home Page: www.cse.iitd.ernet.in/~csd00377
Endless the world's turn, endless the sun's Spinning, Endless the quest;
I turn again, back to my own beginning, And here, find rest.

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