> I have the following tuple -
> t = ("one","two")
> And I can build a dictionary from it as follows -
> d = dict(zip(t,(False,False)))
> But what if my tuple was -
> t = ("one","two","three")
> then I'd have to use -
> d = dict(zip(t,(False,False,False)))
> Therefore, how do I build the tuple of Falses to reflect the length of
> my t tuple?

For dictionaries there is a special method:

>>> dict.fromkeys(("one", "two", "three"), False)
{'three': False, 'two': False, 'one': False}

When you are just interested in the list of tuples, use repeat():

>>> from itertools import repeat
>>> zip("abc", repeat(False))
[('a', False), ('b', False), ('c', False)]


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