I've got a question regarding the implementation of a caching system that
I'm porting over from C.
I have multiple processes across an array of systems that must retrieve data
from a central database at a fairly high rate.  The current system uses
shared memory and supports expiry after a configurable time limit, negative
caching, and intent-to-write locking.  Each process attaches to a shared
memory segment that serves as a local cache for that system. My first notion
was to implement memcached but I'm running in a shared environment and
memcached does not provide for any type of authentication mechanism.

From what I understand, my other options would be mmap, or to go with one of
the Python IPC modules (though it appears most of those packages are listed
in an Alpha/Beta state).

Is there a better way to implement such an animal in Python?  I feel like
I'm trying to reimplement something that probably already exists.



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