Okay, I was a little vague in my last post...the matrix is like a
Wheel of Fortune board and it knows nothing about newlines. After 24
characters it spills over onto the next line. Here is what I came up

## Wrap Text

def wrap_text(in_str, chars_line):
    """ wrap text """
    spaces = 0
    new_str = ""
    tmp_str = ""
    while True:
        tmp_str = in_str[:chars_line]
        if tmp_str[chars_line-1].isspace():
            new_str += tmp_str
            spaces = 0
            for ch in reversed(tmp_str):
                if ch.isspace():
                spaces += 1
            tmp_str = tmp_str[:chars_line-spaces]
            tmp_str += " " * spaces
            new_str += tmp_str
            in_str = in_str[chars_line-spaces:]
        if len(in_str) <= chars_line:
            new_str += " " + in_str
    return new_str

if __name__ == '__main__':

    sample_text = """Personal firewall software may warn about the
connection IDLE makes to its subprocess using this computer's internal
loopback interface. This connection is not visible on any external
interface and no data is sent to or received from the Internet."""
    print wrap_text(sample_text, 24)


It doesn't even run but when I go through it interactively it seems
okay. Once again, any help is appreciated.

On Feb 28, 7:06 pm, "Ryan K" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> I'm trying to text wrap a string but not using the textwrap module. I
> have 24x9 "matrix"  and the string needs to be text wrapped according
> to those dimensions. Is there a known algorithm for this? Maybe some
> kind of regular expression? I'm having difficulty programming the
> algorithm. Thanks,
> Ryan


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