On Feb 28, 12:40 pm, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
>   I'm a bit embarrassed to have to ask for help on this, but I'm not finding
> the solution in the docs I have here.
>   Data are assembled for writing to a database table. A representative tuple
> looks like this:
> ('eco', "(u'Roads',)", 0.073969887301348305)
> Pysqlite doesn't like the format of the middle term:
> pysqlite2.dbapi2.InterfaceError: Error binding parameter 1 - probably
> unsupported type.
>   I want to extract the 'Roads', part from the double-quoted enclosing
> tuple.


Perhaps something like:

>>> t = ('eco', "(u'Roads',)", 0.073969887301348305)
>>> t2 = eval(t[1], { '__builtins__' : {} }, {} )
>>> t2
>>> t2[0].encode('ascii')

>>> import itertools
>>> tuple(itertools.chain((t[0], t2[0].encode('ascii')), t[2:]))
('eco', 'Roads', 0.073969887301348305)

>>> tuple(itertools.chain((t[0], (t2[0].encode('ascii'),)), t[2:]))
('eco', ('Roads',), 0.073969887301348305)

Hope this helps,


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