Hey, I'm pretty new to programming. Been trying to learn using Python. The code I'm struggling with is for my GUI.
I'm am having trouble getting this to display the way I want with the grid manager. Can anybody tell me what I am doing wrong? I hope you can tell what look I'm trying to achieve from the code as its hard to explain. I think my main questions are: 1. How can I get the Window to be sized the way I want it? 2. How can I get the Scrollbars to fill the side of the text box instead of being small? (like .pack(fill= tk.Y) ######Code####### #file/path finder #indentation value 4 import os,glob import Tkinter as tk # Class to create the Application and UI class Theapp: def __init__(self): # Create GUI parts. Will allign later with grid self.top = tk.Tk() self.mainWindow = tk.Frame(self.top, width=700, height=400) self.labAll = tk.Label(self.mainWindow, text="All Files/ Folders:") self.labVi = tk.Label(self.mainWindow, text="Violating Files/ Folders:") #Create a sub-frame containing textbox and scrollbar for All files scanned display self.allTxtf = tk.Frame(self.mainWindow, width=699, height=164) self.scrlr1 = tk.Scrollbar(self.allTxtf) self.txtBoxall = tk.Text(self.allTxtf, wrap=tk.CHAR, yscrollcommand=self.scrlr1.set) self.scrlr1.config(command = self.txtBoxall.yview) #Create another sub-frame containing textbox and scrollbar for the Violating files display self.viTxtf = tk.Frame(self.mainWindow, width=699, height=164) self.scrlr2 = tk.Scrollbar(self.viTxtf) self. txtBoxvi = tk.Text(self.viTxtf, wrap=tk.CHAR, yscrollcommand=self.scrlr2.set) self.scrlr2.config(command = self.txtBoxvi.yview) #Create another sub-frame to contain the controls self.ctrlFrame = tk.Frame(self.mainWindow, width=699, height=72) self.labDir = tk.Label(self.ctrlFrame, text="Dir:") self.entDir = tk.Entry(self.ctrlFrame) self.labChar = tk.Label(self.ctrlFrame, text="Char. Limit:") self.entChar = tk.Entry(self.ctrlFrame) self.btFind = tk.Button(self.ctrlFrame, text="Scan", command = self.fillboxes) self.btExit = tk.Button(self.ctrlFrame, text="Exit", command = self.quitEvent) #Use tkinter's grid geometry manager to allign and display the GUI self.mainWindow.grid() #Frist allign the 3 main frames self.labAll.grid(row=0) self.allTxtf.grid(row=1) self.labVi.grid(row=2) self.viTxtf.grid(row=3) self.ctrlFrame.grid(row=4) #Now allign the content of allTxtf self.txtBoxall.grid(row=0, column=0) self.scrlr1.grid(row=0, column=1) #Now allign the content for viTxtf self.txtBoxvi.grid(row=0, column=0) self.scrlr2.grid(row=0, column=1) #Now allign the content for ctrlFrame self.labDir.grid(row=0, column=0, sticky=tk.E) self.entDir.grid(row=0, column=1) self.labChar.grid(row=0, column=2, sticky=tk.E) self.entChar.grid(row=0, column=3) self.btFind.grid(row=0, column=4) self.btExit.grid(row=0,column=5) def findallfiles(self, base): pass def fillboxes(self): pass def quitEvent(self): raise SystemExit app = Theapp() app.mainWindow.mainloop() ######End Code####### I have only posted the code relevant to the GUI. TIA Adam -- http://mail.python.org/mailman/listinfo/python-list