
I was only able to find fmodapi374.zip (for windows), and that version doesn't
> seem to work with the pyFMOD release I found.

I found that too. But I could easily fix pyFMOD to use the FMOD 374. A few of
the exports have been renamed and parameters have been added to others. As the
total size of all parameters are encoded in the exported names all of these
errors are caught when importing so you can fix them one by one by looking it
up in the FMOD-Docs.

All in all, it should look similar (I can't test it!) to this code:

I will try that when I get around to playing with the stuff again.

You should also be aware that you have to keep the callback_function
object alive *as long as the FMOD library is using it*!

While very obvious I am prone to forget that sometime :-).

Ciao, MM
Marian Aldenhövel, Rosenhain 23, 53123 Bonn. +49 228 624013.
"Wir brauchen keine Opposition, wir sind bereits Demokraten."

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