Dear software practitioners, consultants, and researchers,
  we are currently conducting an international survey about
architecture and design patterns. Our goal is to discover how familiar
people are with these patterns (and anti-patterns) as well as to
elicit the information need, the usage behavior, and the experience of
software organizations regarding architecture patterns and design

Therefore, we would like to invite you and members of your
organizations to participate in the survey at
Answering the survey should take about 20-30 minutes. The survey will
close on 1 March 2007.

All data will be treated confidentially.

Please pass information about this survey on to your colleagues and
managers as well as other contacts who might be interested in this
topic and have experience with architecture and design patterns.

Many thanks in advance,
Joerg Rech

Joerg Rech
Speaker of the GI-Workgroup Architecture and Design Patterns (AKAEM)
Web: (in German)


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