Nader Emami wrote:
> Tim Golden wrote:
>> Nader Emami wrote:
>>>>> How can do the second solution, (take off the home from Python path)?
>>>> Depends on your setup. Since you're on *nix, I can't
>>>> test whether $HOME is automatically on sys.path (it
>>>> isn't on Win32). Are you running *in* /usr/people/emami?
>>>> If so, go somewhere else before you run ez_setup. Check
>>>> your PYTHONPATH env var; perhaps reset it before
>>>> running ez_setup. There are other more obscure possibilities
>>>> to do with things set in but they're less likely.
>>>> TJG
>>> I have a Linux and I don't have any PYTHONPTH variable, because if I 
>>> run the next command it returns nothig:
>>> %env | grep -i pythonpath or
>>> %env | grep -i python
>> I'm no expert here, but I believe that Linux is
>> case-sensitive, so you'd need to do:
>> env | grep PYTHONPATH
>> TJG
> 'grep' with 'i' option can catch both of them. I have done with capital 
> letters also and the answer stays the same:
> %env | grep PYTHONPATH of %env | grep PTYTHON

OK. Keep copying to the list, please. As I said, I'm not
a *nix person (and I'm running here on Windows) so you'll
get a more informed and wider audience from

If there's no PYTHONPATH that means it's just down to
your system setup what goes on the path. Try (from
within the python interpreter):

import sys
for i in sys.path:
   print i


Do you see your home directory there?


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