> Hello everybody,
> I have a (hopefully) simple question about scoping in python. I have a
> program written as a package, with two files of interest. The two
> files are /p.py and /lib/q.py
> My file p.py looks like this:
> ---
> from lib import q
> def main():
>   global r
>   r = q.object1()
>   s = q.object2()
> if __name__ == "__main__":
>   main()
> ---
> My file q.py in the subdirectory lib looks like this:
> class object1:
>   t = 3
> class object2:
>   print r.t
> ---
> Python gives me an error, saying it can't recognize global name r.
> However I define r as global in the top-level main definition! Can
> anyone suggest how I can get around this, if I want to define and bind
> global names inside of main() which are valid in all sub-modules?
> Thanks very much for your help!

Might be wrong, but globals can only be global to the module they're
declared in.

I suggest you find another way such as passing your object as a parameter



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