I want to draw some simple (dynamic) graphs and get these saved as a
JPEG file to reference in a web link.  I am aware of  PIL (Python Image
Library), but unfortunatley my system does not have it built. After looking
at the README for it and seeing it depends on two separate packages to
support JPEG and TrueType font, I though maybe there was an easier way.

    Tkinter is currently built and working on my Python 2.2.2 installation.
Is there some simple path to take a Tkinter.Canvas with some stuff drawn on
it and get it into a file as a JPEG (without anything from PIL, preferably
just using standard libraries)? (I have John Grayson's book. I haven't read
the whole thing but I'm not having much luck readily finding a way to do
this, though it may be there somewhere. Feel free to cite page numbers there
if that helps.)

Thanks for taking the time to read my post. :)



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