OK, thanks all Here's presentation of my advanced programming skills :) ---------------------------------------- import os import time
number = 78 guess = 0
while guess != number:
guess = input("Guess number: ")
if guess > number:
print "Lower"
elif guess < number: print "Higher"
print "That's the number !" --------------------------------------- BTW, I'm thinking to replace lines "time.sleep(3)" with something like "Press any key to guess again" How do I do that ?
Also I wanted to put at the end something like "Do you want to guess again ?" and then "GOTO" start of program, but since there is no such command in Python what are my possible solutions ?
I'm no expert and I owe much of whatever I know to the Python Tutor list. I'd suggest you check it out <http://mail.python.org/mailman/listinfo/tutor>.
As for your situation, I'd do something like this untested code:
guess = input("Guess number: ") while guess != number: print `Nope.' guess = raw_input('Guess again? (Enter q for quit)') if guess.lower() == 'q': # .lower() ensures 'Q' will match print `Quitter!' break if guess > number: # stuff here if guess < number: # different stuff here
raw_input is safer than input as it prevents malicious code from ruining your day.
A while loop is the usual way to repeat something until some condition is met. Here it repeats until guess == number. Another common idiom is
while True: # do some stuff if some_condition: # some condition being True signals the break # need to break out of the loop
I game to Python 10'ish years after I'd programmed some in BASIC and then not again. It took me a while to grok goto-less coding, too :-)
Brian vdB
-- http://mail.python.org/mailman/listinfo/python-list