On 2/17/07, Jeff Rush <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

At PyCon this year we're going to have a multi-day game programming clinic
challenge.  This is a first-time event and an experiment to find those in
Python community who enjoy playing and creating games.  Python has several
powerful modules for the creation of games among which are PyGame and

On Friday evening, Phil Hassey will give an introduction to his game
an awesome high-paced multi-player galactic action-strategy game.  You
swarms of ships from planet to planet to take over the galaxy.  Phil will
handing out free limited-time licenses to those present.  He will also be
to talk about the development of Galcon using PyGame.

After the Friday PSF Members meeting lets out around 8:40pm, Richard Jones
will give his 30-60 minute introduction to the PyGame framework so you too
get started writing games.

Wonderful. Thanks for the heads-up! I look forward to this.

On Saturday evening, Lucio Torre and Alejandro J. Cura, who have come from
Argentina to give the talk "pyweek: making games in 7 days" Friday
will help people develop their games in the clinic room with mini-talks on
various game technologies.

Ah - that's a really fun presentation - I saw it at CafeConf. Glad to hear
they'll be helping folks on Satyrday night.

Thanks for all the links Jeff. Very helpful.

It is fate, but call it Italy if it pleases you, Vicar!

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