Hey all, How do I add another index inside a re.search?
I want to add for j in [96,97,98,99] BASE = re.search ... sh.Cells97... for i .... so that the Table 96 within the re.search(s) becomes Table 96, Table 97, Table 98, Table 99 but don't know how to add a second index within the re.search since I already have %char in match = re.search ... " %char, neuro ... VAR=[] BASE = re.search("Table 96.*?BASE.*?\d(.*?)\n", neuro, re.S ).group(1).split()[1] sh.Cells(7,lastcol+1).Value = BASE for i, char in enumerate(["RECEIVED E", "PARTICIPATED "]): match = re.search(r"Table 96.*?%s.*?\n.*?\d(.*?)\n.*?" %char , neuro, re.S ) if match: VAR = match.group(1).split()[1] else: VAR = 0 if VAR=="-": VAR = 0 VAR = even_odd_round(float(str(VAR))) VAR = float(str(VAR))/100 sh.Cells(i+8,lastcol+1).Value = VAR sh.Cells(10,lastcol+1).Value= sh.Cells(9,lastcol+1).Value sh.Cells(9,lastcol+1).Value = sh.Cells(8,lastcol+1).Value - sh.Cells(10,lastcol+1).Value VAR=[] BASE = re.search("Table 97.*?BASE.*?\d(.*?)\n", neuro, re.S ).group(1).split()[1] sh.Cells(11,lastcol+1).Value = BASE for i, char in enumerate(["RECEIVED E", "PARTICIPATED "]): match = re.search(r"Table 97.*?%s.*?\n.*?\d(.*?)\n.*?" %char , neuro, re.S ) if match: VAR = match.group(1).split()[1] else: VAR = 0 if VAR=="-": VAR = 0 VAR = even_odd_round(float(str(VAR))) VAR = float(str(VAR))/100 sh.Cells(i+12,lastcol+1).Value = VAR sh.Cells(14,lastcol+1).Value= sh.Cells(13,lastcol+1).Value sh.Cells(13,lastcol+1).Value = sh.Cells(12,lastcol+1).Value - sh.Cells(14,lastcol+1).Value -- http://mail.python.org/mailman/listinfo/python-list