On Wed, 14 Feb 2007 18:46:34 +0000, Simon Brunning wrote:

> On 2/14/07, Steve <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>> After re-reading my original post I was pretty vague. I'm trying to creat
>> a list of ranges of floats, 0.0 10.0, 11 20, etc then checking to see if
>> an float, example 12.5 falls in the list and if so get the list index of
>> where it is in the index. Does this make sense?
> Ah, you want to know if a certain number is between to other numbers.
> That's not what range() is for - range() is for generating lists of
> integers. You can use it to do a between test for integers, I suppose,
> but even for integers it's a pretty poor way of going about it -
> you'll be creating a potentially large lists of integers, only to
> throw it away again.
> Consider something like:
> def between(lower, upper, target):
>     return lower < target < upper
> Works for integers and floats interchangably. Or better still, do the
> lower < target < upper thing inline.
You hit it on the head Simon. Thanks for strightening out my thinking.



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