On Feb 14, 3:32 pm, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
> On Feb 14, 7:53 am, "amadain" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > Hi
> > Heres a poser. I want to start a program 4 times at exactly the same
> > time (emulating 4 separate users starting up the same program). I am
> > using pexpect to run the program from 4 separate locations accross the
> > network. How do I start the programs running at exactly the same time?
> > I want to time how long it takes each program to complete and to show
> > if any of the program initiations failed. I also want to check for
> > race conditions. The program that I am running is immaterial for this
> > question - it could be mysql running queries on the same database for
> > example. Using threading, you call start() to start each thread but if
> > I call start on each instance in turn I am not starting
> > simultaneously.
> > A
> Standard answers about starting anything at *exactly* the same time
> aside, I would expect that the easiest answer would be to have a fifth
> controlling program in communication with all four, which can then
> send a start message over sockets to each of the agents at the same
> time.
> There are several programs out there which can already do this. One
> example, Grinder, is designed for this very use (creating concurrent
> users for a test). It's free, uses Jython as it's scripting language,
> and even is capable of keeping track of your times for you. IMO, it's
> worth checking out.
> http://grinder.sourceforge.net

Thank you. I'll check that out.


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