am am a Python beginner with Java knowledge background. Infact I need to use
My first beginner question is how to determine of what type a variable is?
In program which supports Jython there is a variable called "rc" available. I
can use the methods on that variable like rc.logMessage("hello"). But if I try
to execute "print "${rc}" it tells me "Invalid variable syntax for attribute
'code' with value 'print "${rc}".'
In Java I can print any variable. What I want is to do something like
variable.getClass().getName(). Can this be done with that rc variable in
Python/Jython scripts?
Then I would know how to instantiate the rc variable.
I apologize for my beginner questions. I should read more or get a teaching,
but the last I won't get and for the first I have not so much time.
Thanks in advance.
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