I'm the OP, and answering my own question. I received excellent advice
from the developer of Ulipad, Limodou.

On 2/10/07, Dick Moores <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> ============================
> a = [u'\u91cd', u'\u8981', u'\u6027']
> for x in range(3):
>     print a[x]
> ===========================

The script should be
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
a = [u'\u91cd', u'\u8981', u'\u6027']
for x in range(3):
   print a[x].encode('utf-8'),
When output is redirected to a text file, this give a very pretty
重 要 性

Also, it turns out that I didn't need that sitecustomize.py .

my configuration:
Win XP Pro SP2
Python 2.5
wxPython Unicode
Python IDE: Ulipad 3.6

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