azrael wrote:
> but look out for pyqt. there is one thing in the eula i don't like.
> there is written that if you use qtWidgets and they like the
> aplication, you have to give up all your rights of the aplication.
> patent, idea, money everything is gone. i know this is open source,
> but maybe one day i will manage to sell an apliction for big money.

That is not exactly correct. Both PyQt and Qt it self is available under 
two different licenses. The GPL versions require that your applications 
has to be released as free software compatible with the GPL. Development 
of commercial closed source applications require a commercial license.

In reality you are free to sell your application as long as it remain 
free (as in freedom) and open source (some argues this is impossible and 
some argue it's no problem. Decide for your self). By nature a GPL'ed 
application can not be patented or even contain patented code as this 
violates the freedom part of the License.

But you have a point though: Always read the license, terms and 
conditions for the tools you want to use. It can really save you some 
serious trouble.

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