Shawn Milo a écrit :
> To the list:
> I have come up with something that's working fine. However, I'm fairly
> new to Python, so I'd really appreciate any suggestions on how this
> can be made more Pythonic.
> Thanks,
> Shawn
> Okay, here's what I have come up with:
> #! /usr/bin/python
> import sys
> import re
> month 
> ={'JAN':1,'FEB':2,'MAR':3,'APR':4,'MAY':5,'JUN':6,'JUL':7,'AUG':8,'SEP':9,'OCT':10,'NOV':11,'DEC':12}
> infile=file('TVA-0316','r')
> outfile=file('tmp.out','w')
> def formatDatePart(x):
>        "take a number and transform it into a two-character string,
> zero padded"
>        x = str(x)
>        while len(x) < 2:
>                x = "0" + x
>        return x

x = "%02d" % x

> regex = re.compile(r",\d{2}/[A-Z]{3}/\d{4},")

regexps are not really pythonic - we tend to use them only when we have 
no better option. When it comes to parsing CSV files and/or dates, we do 
have better solution : the csv module and the datetime module....

> for line in infile:
>        matches = regex.findall(line)
>        for someDate in matches:
>                dayNum = formatDatePart(someDate[1:3])
>                monthNum = formatDatePart(month[someDate[4:7]])
>                yearNum = formatDatePart(someDate[8:12])
>                newDate = ",%s-%s-%s," % (yearNum,monthNum,dayNum)
>                line = line.replace(someDate, newDate)

>        outfile.writelines(line)
> infile.close
> outfile.close

I wonder why some of us took time to answer your first question. You 
obviously forgot to read these answers.

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