Habshi, please include scientific newsgroups like
in your valuable posts

On Feb 6, 3:57 pm, [EMAIL PROTECTED] (habshi) wrote:
>         The problem is that the verses are from the Quran. The video
> is remarkably clear . Congrats to the bbc. Meanwhile the Muslim lawyer
> who defended Abu Hamza who got seven years jail for incitiment to
> terror got over $1m from the taxpayer for defending him over just
> seven months. His property should be confiscated to pay for it.
>         Jeremy Paxman at his best. The Brits will only have themselves
> to blame if tens of thousands of these school kids grow up believing
> this nonsense and turn into Jihadis.
> excerpt bbc.co.uk
>         A former teacher has made shocking allegations that the King
> Fahad Academy in west London has been using racist teaching materials
> which describe Jewish people as monkeys and Christians as pigs. He
> alleges that text books used by the Saudi run school ask pupils to
> "name some repugnant characteristics of Jews". The teacher, who is
> claiming unfair dismissal, has submitted the teaching materials as
> part his evidence for an employment tribunal. Newsnight has obtained
> copies of the text books and is investigating the teacher's claims.
> Watch it 
> onhttp://news.bbc.co.uk/player/nol/newsid_4670000/newsid_4679900/467998...
> Lesson 14


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