       I am very knew to python and am attempting to write a program
in python that a friend of mine is having to write in java. I am doing
this for fun and would like some help as to how i can generate random
coordinate points (x,y) and compare them with user inputted coordinate
points. For example how will I be able to access the separate values,
the x from the x,y position. I think I understand everything except
1)the random coordinate points 2) the getting the users inputted x and
y values in one line ("Please guess a coordinate point from (1,1) to
(20,20): ") as opposed to  ("Please enter an x value:" and "Please
enter a y value") and finally 3) acessing the x value from the x,y
coordinate function. the assignment description is located here http://
homework.html if you would like to see a more in depth discription of
the game.

Many Thanks,


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