Helo ppl! At the job I was given the task to make a script to analyze C++ code based on concepts my boss had. To do this I needed to represent C++ code structure in Python somehow. I read the docs for Yapps, pyparsing and other stuff like those, then I came up with a very simple idea. I realized that bracketed code is almost like a Python list, except I have to replace curly brackets with squared ones and surround the remaining stuff with quotes. This process invokes no recursion or node objects, only pure string manipulations so I believe it's really fast. Finally I can get the resulting list by calling eval() with the string.
For example when I need to parse a class definition, I only need to look for a list item containing the pattern "*class*", and the next item will be the contents of the class as another list. You can grab the code at: http://kiri.csing.hu/stack/python/bloppy-0.1.zip (test script [test.py] included) -- http://mail.python.org/mailman/listinfo/python-list