Grant Edwards wrote:
> On 2005-02-09, Jive Dadson <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> >> [C] isn't - it's a portable assembler.
> >
> > I've heard that many times, but it makes no sense to me.
> I think the point is that C is a low-level, hardware twiddling
> language to be used by people writing things like kernel code --

And Python interpreters?

> The fact that C ended up in the rather inappropriate role of
> a user-land application language is different problem.

In the early 80's, either C was the "appropriate language" or there was
none ... and that's coming from someone who wrote a commercial
Pascal compiler, runtime support, and debugger. I did it all in C.
Pascal, as we all know, was ill-conceived.  C++ was a momentous
advance, but it intensionally inherited many of C's warts.

I've forgotten what we are arguing about, but I'm sure I'm right.


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