>     Paul> Yeah well, the Wxpython, PyQt, PyGTK etc. people may feel slighted
>     Paul> that Tkinter got included and their stuff didn't, and the Eric,
>     Paul> Eclipse, Komodo etc. people may feel slighted that IDLE got
>     Paul> included, but that doesn't stop Tkinter and IDLE from being useful
>     Paul> and worth shipping in Python.
> They were both pretty much the only games in town when they were included
> with Python.  If they were developed in today's environment I doubt they
> would be included.

That would diminish Python's popularity since being able to write GUI
apps without having to download additional crap is a Python selling
point, and IDLE is a considerably more pleasant Python editor than
Notepad is.

>     Paul> Basic competitive analysis.  People ask here all the time "I'm
>     Paul> trying to write application XYZ, should I use language L or should
>     Paul> I use Python" (L is usually Java or PHP but can be other things).
> So every time some lame ass PHP refugee gripes about something they think
> Python is missing which PHP includes we should scan the horizon for all the
> candidates and toss them in the next release?

No, just the functions that are requested frequently, like database

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